Strategic Dealer Solutions
 Call Us at (800) 811.0875

Services & Products

Since its inception,Strategic Dealer Solutions mission is to provide automobile dealers with a comprehensive and customizable aftermarket system for maximizing profit per vehicle sold while maintaining the highest standards in customer service.

By taking you, the dealer, through a point by point analysis of your existing aftermarket processes, we are able to customize a program to increase your customer‘s satisfaction while also increasing your profit. Whether the need is small or otherwise,improving your business is our business.

Our relationship doesn’t end there, however. After your new program is in place, we remain involved throughout the life cycle, continually monitoring and making adjustments as necessary, further ensuring your satisfaction.

         Why do we do all this? So you don't have to.

         The following is a SHORT list of our services;

Priority Pay Payment Accelerator

How Bi-Weekly Acceleration Works;

Making half the monthly payment every two weeks generates 26 half payments for a total of 13 payments each year. Approximately every six months, Bi-Auto forward’s the “extra” electronic deductions to the lender to be applied against the principal portion of the loan. This satisfies the loan months earlier, reducing wear and tear and mileage and increasing equity in the vehicle. Alternative debit schedules, such as Weekly, Monthly and Twice- Monthly, are also available and can be matched to customer pay days.


How Biweekly
Acceleration Works
Making half the monthly payment every two weeks
generates 26 half payments for a total of 13 payments
each year. Approximately every six months, Bi-Auto
and Bi-RV forward the “extra” electronic deductions
to the lender to be applied against the principal
portion of the loan. This satisfies the loan months
earlier, reducing wear and tear and mileage and
increasing equity in the vehicle. Alternative debit
schedules, such as Weekly, Monthly and Twice-
Monthly, are also available and can be matched to
customer pay days.How Biweekly Acceleration Works:Making half the monthly payment every two weeks generates 26 half payments for a total of 13 payments each year. Approximately every six months, Bi-Auto and Bi-RV forward the “extra” electronic deductions to the lender to be applied against the principal portion of the loan. This satisfies the loan months earlier, reducing wear and tear and mileage and increasing equity in the vehicle. Alternative debit schedules, such as Weekly, Monthly and Twice- Monthly, are also available and can be matched to customer pay days.

The most innovative customer retention and marketing tool that helps increase vehichle sales and drives repeat business.MyStar provides your customers with 24/7 access to a live team of personal assistants.When your customers dial MyStar's toll free number they are greeted by name, hear your dealerships customized opening message, and get help with Anything, Anytime, Anywhere!

At the end of each call your customer's hear your dealership's name again along with your customized tag line, slogan or promotion.MyStar enhances your dealership's brand in a powerful and personal way with every phone call!

Gap protection pays the difference between actual cash value and loan balance if the customer's vehicle is stolen or totaled due to collision.

The R.O.A.D. InTire program is a comprehensive tire and wheel repair and replacement guarantee. Coverage is not pro-rated, it is less expensive than traditional road hazard coverage – and there are no limits to the number of claims a customer can make on their tires. All replacement tires purchased are covered for the term of the contract. In addition, customers can have repairs and replacements completed at the location of their choice, including the selling dealership!


More of a Strategic concept than a product, SDS agency offers dealers the ability to offer more than one F&I product as a package deal on a single form with a single price.This completely customizable program utilizies a mix and match approach to meet dealership customer needs and the perfect F&I price point.Poplular programs used in the Multi-Shield program include tire & wheel,door ding,interior/exterior protection,among others.

Formation Of Dealer Owned Reinsurance Companies

Reinsurance is the fastest growing resource for long term revenue for dealers. Our custom tailored reinsurance programs have earning potentials that far exceed other programs. If you currently have a reinsurance program in place we can provide an evaluation and proposal for additional revenue streams at zero cost to your company. If you are not currently reinsured  we will provide a detailed proposal that will outline the entire process.

In addition, we can provide Capital loan programs that can be highly beneficial to your organization.